CPIC® Guideline for Methadone based on CYP2B6 genotype

Most recent guideline publication:

Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium Guideline for CYP2B6 Genotype and Methadone Therapy (July 2024)

Updates since publication:

No updates on dosing recommendations since publication.

Tables and figure provided in the main manuscript of the guideline:

Table 1. Assignment of likely CYP2B6 phenotypes based on genotype
Table 2. Methadone dosing recommendations based on CYP2B6 phenotype

Supplement to: Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium Guideline for CYP2B6 Genotype and Methadone Therapy (July 2024)

Tables and figures provided in the supplement or referenced in the guidelinea:

Table S1. Evidence linking CYP2B6 to methadone phenotype
Figure S1. The challenges with CYP2B6 to methadone phenotype
CYP2B6 allele definition table
CYP2B6 allele functionality table
CYP2B6 frequency table
CYP2B6 diplotype-phenotype table
CYP2B6 gene resource mappings
Clinical Decision Support: Not included because this guideline is a CPIC level C guideline (no recommendation)